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Divorce rates rise for the first time this decade

Divorce rates rise for the first time this decade

The Telegraph has reported that for the first time this decade divorce rates have increased and this seems to be largely down to the over 50s divorcing.

The statistics in relation to divorce make quite interesting reading and perhaps reflect the changes in our society in recent years.

Perhaps one of the reasons for this rise, amongst what may traditionally have been considered middle aged couples, is that people of that age have seen their children grow up and feel there is nothing left in common with their spouse. Rather than feeling a social pressure to remain married, more people feel that divorce is acceptable and perhaps this age group have more disposable income than before. It may be that people of that age feel the need to enjoy a new found freedom and look for what they think may be a more fulfilling relationship.

Whatever the reason, divorce is never easy nor, indeed, is the breakdown of any relationship. Good quality legal advice is as important as ever when looking at any major change in your life as well as considering all the options available at times of family transition.

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