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Using Our Imaginations to Make Our Brand Work

Using Our Imaginations to Make Our Brand Work

Three years post the merger that formed Band Hatton Button, we decided it was about time we reviewed things to ensure our external image correctly reflected the business we are today, and had longevity to support our growth plans for the future.

Why - Earlier this year, we chose to refresh the brand - to bring it up to date and give it a more modern and fresh look; to truly reflect where we were as a business, and gear us up for where we want to be.

The project was a 'refresh', rather than a 're-brand' - we didn't want to change the brand drastically, but wanted a more subtle update - evolution rather than revolution. We primarily addressed the colour palette and fonts - much like some big businesses do from time to time nowadays (think M&S, Apple, BT and eBay).

We're a business with big plans. We want to grow. We want to recruit the best lawyers and staff and to continue to service our clients to a very high standard. We are one of the leading law firms in Coventry and Warwickshire and we want to totally secure our position, challenging the competition along the way. We're pretty sure we're getting there and hope that strengthening our brand and ensuring it is 'fit for purpose' will help us continue our success.

What we did - As a first step, our logo was refined so it's typeface was more modern and clean and the colours more modern and user-friendly.

We then looked at all the other elements of our brand - including our culture, the images we used, brand values etc. - it's not just about the logo, after all.

We also - We re-defined our culture and articulated our purpose as, 'to deliver excellent legal services'. We very much felt this reflected our ethos as a business and would support our plans for the future.

We also launched a new strapline for the business, 'putting imagination to work'. Being a lawyer is undoubtedly very much about technical knowledge and detail, but this was grown from an idea around how lawyers have to, day-in, day-out, come up with creative solutions for clients, often using their knowledge, flair and skills to come up with bespoke ideas based on a given situation. We felt that 'putting imagination to work' reflected the way we work and the drive we all have to come up with effective yet practical solutions for our clients.

The final part of the refresh was our website. We generally gave the website a bit of an update and chose a suite of new imagery. Choosing images is a subjective game, and we came up with a theme that was a little off-piste for a law firm! We chose to use fun images of children in business scenarios and sourced images to fit our service lines and website pages. We all love the images and really feel they make us stand out from the crowd - and the theme fits well with who we are and what we are all about.

Ultimately, we are only too aware that the law isn't child's play, but we hope that the way in which we portray ourselves makes people remember we are all human, and that at this firm, we will deliver excellent legal services with a human touch every day.

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