Band Hatton Button extends Coventry Rugby partnership
Coventry Rugby's Head of Commercial Toby Costar with Band Hatton Button's Senior Partner Nick Button and Head of Marketing Sarah Jordan
Coventry Rugby has today announced that Band Hatton Button has extended its partnership with the club.
The award-winning legal firm, whose new headquarters are within a short drop-goal of Butts Park Arena, will have its logo on the Coventry Rugby playing shirts for the 2019/20 season, representing an increased commitment to the club.
Band Hatton Button is the leading law firm in Coventry, delivering a wide range of legal services to both businesses and individuals.
Both Coventry Rugby and Band Hatton Button are committed to building strong relationships, and the club's Managing Director Nick Johnston says that shared principles like this are important when agreeing new partnerships.
"We're delighted that Band Hatton Button want to develop their relationship with us with this new partnership," he commented.
"We want to have excellent relationships with the city's business community who share our vision of developing an outstanding rugby club at the heart of Coventry. A partnership with a leading firm like Band Hatton Button is a great example of what we are seeking to achieve, and we're looking forward to working closely together both for this season and in the future."
Sarah Jordan, Head of Marketing and Client Relations from Band Hatton Button, says that there was no hesitation from the firm in agreeing this new deal.
"We're delighted to be seeing our logo on the team's shirts next season," she said. "Coventry Rugby is in an exciting place at the moment, with the team building ahead of the new season and Nick Johnston putting a framework in place off the field to grow the club.
"The ambition is there for Coventry to both have a successful team and to be a strong part of the community with its work off the field and we're looking forward to being part of that journey."