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Our new Online Conveyancing Tool is Live!

Our new Online Conveyancing Tool is Live!

We are excited to launch a new product which enables clients to get quotes for residential conveyancing services at the touch of a couple of buttons.

Band Hatton Button have teamed up with 'Perfect Portal', a LawNet partner, to launch a web tool which gives clients a full quote for their legal needs based on a few quick questions. The quote is then emailed to the client outlining what the legal fees for their conveyancing will be, and it also includes all of the extra costs involved in a transaction such as stamp duty, land registry fees etc.

The conveyancing market is hugely competitive and we are well aware that we constantly need to adapt and evolve to remain up to speed and keep up with the our peers. We are hugely committed to interacting with clients in the way they wish, and also to developing technology, so this solution ticks two huge boxes for us. Research also shows that generation Z (those born in 1995 or later and a generation that are a big target market for us) are huge users of technology and with the average age of someone in the UK buying their first home being 30 years old embracing technology is very key for us.

As a firm we strive to make the conveyancing process less stressful, speedy and efficient and so launching this product ties in perfectly with our approach. We are also passionate about being open and honest about our pricing and the quote that clients receive is clear, transparent and contains no hidden extras.

This new product means clients can get an instant quote any time of the day using any device. They can also then instruct us if they wish by clicking to do so and then we will start the ball rolling at our end.

The system will also be hugely beneficial to us internally as our Client Relations Team will be using it to provide clients with instant quotes when they call us so it streamlines the whole process.

Perfect Portal also share our ethos of "providing a human touch" so we know this will be a perfect partnership!

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