For Individuals

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Rights of Working Parents

We can advice on all aspects of Rights of Working Parents such as:

Adoption Leave

We are able to advise adoptive parents in relation to their rights to statutory adoption leave and statutory adoption pay. We can advise regarding rights on return to work and rights regarding time off for adoption appointments.

Flexible Working

Subject to certain criteria, employees can apply for flexible working and there are regulations which set out how the employer is to deal with such applications.

Maternity Leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 52 weeks maternity leave regardless of how long they have worked for their employer, made up of ordinary maternity leave and additional maternity leave.

Employees’ rights include:

  • Time off for antenatal appointments
  • Health and safety protection whilst pregnant and breastfeeding
  • Statutory maternity pay for up to 39 weeks
  • The right to return to the same job
  • Priority for altenative employment in redundancy cases
  • The right to request flexible working conditions
  • Protection from dismissal or detriment

Paternity Leave

Employees who satisfy certain eligibility criteria are entitled to paternity leave, of either one or two weeks.

An eligible employee may also be able to take Additional Parental Leave of between 2 and 26 weeks.

Paternity Leave must be taken within 56 days of the child’s birth or placement for adoption.

The rules change in the event that the parents have taken Shared Parental Leave.

During their paternity leave, most employees are entitled to Statutory Paternity Pay from their employers.

Parental Leave

This is distinct from Paternity Leave, and applies to men and women. Again it is subject to eligibility criteria.

Up to 18 weeks leave may be taken in respect of each child, although not all in one block.

There is no right to payment during a period of parental leave.

Special provisions apply in respect of parents of disabled children.

Shared Parental Leave

On 5 April 2015 Shared Parental Leave was introduced. This effectively allows parents to share maternity leave and pay.

Shared Parental Leave is subject to eligibility criteria.

Shared Parental Leave is optional; the default position is that the 52 weeks maternity leave remains in place for the Mother.