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Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreement Solicitors in Coventry

A pre-nuptial or post nuptial agreement essentially protects assets that have been acquired by parties, usually pre-marriage, in the event that there is a later separation or divorce. This helps provide peace of mind for the future, should the relationship encounter difficulties.

These agreements can assist where there are pre-existing business interests, for example, and a subsequent divorce could destabilise the business if the assets are not protected in some way.

Similarly, if parties to a marriage have children from a previous relationship, a pre-nuptial agreement can help ensure that, in the event of a later divorce, assets are preserved for those children and thus a possible inheritance also protected.

It may seem worrying to have to deal with these sorts of issues and discussions at a time when you’re also arranging your wedding.  However, our lawyers are very experienced in helping people communicate regarding these issues in a sensitive and non-confrontational way. We have experienced collaborative lawyers and a Family Mediator to help you through this process so that it does not interfere with your celebrations.

Contact us today to speak to one of our experienced solicitors about your options.